Ben Kennish's Web Site

Welcome to the web site of Ben Kennish. I'm from SE England, and I like coding and technology so expect a lot of geeky stuff.
Geeky stuff
Decent password strength checker
HTML5 Web Notifications test page
Mixed content test page (HTTP references within an HTTPS page)
Certs 'R' Us - a site to demonstrate login using SSL Client certificates - doesn't seem to work with modern web browsers
Bennish's Blog - bit outdated.. "i must come back to this someday..."
TLDR - Trusted Linker Download Redirection - a proposal for an extension to HTTP
In Your Own Time zone; discover when any event happens around the world - automatic one-click time zone conversion.
You can and you can find me at these places:
- Social networking (in descending order of activity)
- Blogs
- Bennish's Blog
- Music and Video
- YouTube
- Spotify
- Coding
- GitHub
- BitBucket
- CodePen
- Gaming
- Steam profile
- Rocket League stats
- Guild Wars 2 Wiki
- Guild Wars 2 Efficiency character information
You can view my OpenPGP/GPG public key (short ID: E35B4E3E) and see it on Here is my OpenSSH public key.
© Ben Kennish, 2025